Feb 22, 2011


I was reading an article a few days ago, when I realized the solution was in my hands. The article Planet can be 'unrecognizable' by 2050  states that the population of the planet Earth will climb to 9 billion by the year 2050. Researchers claim that due to this increase, we will have to produce so much food that the planet will be unrecognizable. Jason Clay of the World Wildlife Fund  says, "More people, more money, more consumption, but the same planet." In other words, the population growth of 2 billion people translates to people eating more than before, but the planet and the resources will still be the same. Anyone familiar with the subject should agree that this predicament is undeniable since our planet has limited resources for a demanding population. This will also increase the amount of other environmental problems like global warming.

My idea of reducing my own carbon print starts with planting a small garden. Now that spring is here, I'll grow my new vegetable and herb garden where I'll try to be sustainable and eco-friendly.
Some of you may recall that I grew my own dill, basil and parsley before, as seen in one of my previuos blogs, but that was a little amateur. Last week I included a How to guide  to create your own Hydroponic garden; this weekend I went to my local Hydro-Organic Garden Center, where I purchased different types of Organic seeds like tomato, oregano, cucumber, arugula, pepper, and a Biodegradable Greenhouse Kit that can be used for all flowers and vegetables.

Here are the steps I took:
1- I poured 76 oz. (2.25 L) of warm water over the Fiber Grow pellets that are placed in the tray. When the pellets expanded to 2" (4-5 cm), I drained the excess water from the tray.

2-I put 2-3 seeds in each pellet gently, and sprayed some water over them.

3-Then I placed the Greenhouse in a warm and bright location, which is in the back garden over the table since it should not be in direct sunlight.

When the vegetables and herbs grow and the roots penetrate the walls of the pellet, I'll remove the weaker plants leaving only the strong ones in each. In about 5-6 weeks, they can be transplanted directly outdoors where they can be exposed to direct sunlight. Hopefully, I will update you with new pictures in a few weeks as the plants grow, and we can all share the joy of growing our own vegetables and herbs. I wholeheartedly believe that this will help lower my carbon footprint in the world, which will also help reduce global warming. That's why I invite all of you to try and plant your own little vegetable, fruit or herb garden in your backyard or balcony. It's never too late, or too small of an effort to try and accomplish something good for the environment.